Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Silver Borne

This is the 5th of Patricia Briggs' "Mercy Thompson" series and they continue to be, IMHO, high caliber fantasy with well-thought out and complex characters, intriguing plot lines, and believable alternative realities. Several story lines weave through this installment. Mercy was loaned a magical book detailing history of the Fae, and is now being hunted for it; whether or not she returns the book to a fae who wants to use it for evil purposes, she is likely to die. The pack is continuing to struggle with acceptance of Mercy as their pack leader's mate, and some members of the pack are, in fact, scheming to bring Adam down. Samuel, meanwhile, has lost his will to live and tried to drown himself. Mercy is trying to keep him out of the Marrok's sightlines until she can bring him to his senses--hopefully before his wolf takes over in a bad way and goes on a killing spree that will end in his certain death. Because Mercy is in the middle of all these events, those near and dear to her are all affected. To get more information on these characters, check out previous posts (Moon Called, Blood Bound, Iron Kissed, Bone Crossed, and Frost Burned) or start at the beginning and read this wonderful series of books.

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