Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Best Lies

This is the 2nd book I have read by David Ellis and it is equally as twisty as the previous book, Look Closer, which won an Edgar Award. I'll start with the cast of characters: Leo Balanoff is a criminal defense lawyer who has crossed the lines more than once in his efforts to see real justice done. When his DNA and fingerprints show up at the murder scene of a notorious and sadistic human trafficker, it looks like he's finally crossed one line too many; Andi Piotrowski, Leo's ex, who is working in the security department of a high tech drug company; Trace, former alcoholic and Leo's brother who is now living and working in Mexico; Chris, an FBI agent struggling to get back in the game by taking down the kingpin of the trafficking syndicate after being sidelined for 2 years while getting treatment for cancer; and finally is Mary, Chris' sister and a detective with the local police department who is anxious to arrest Leo for the murder. Leo maintains his innocence in the murder but has a lifetime of secrets that he is hiding--and he is not the only one living a lie.

Publishers Weekly was less than complimentary in their review of the book, saying the "storytelling gets too tangled, and his characters are too implausible, for this to cohere."

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