Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The Whispered Word

This is the 2nd installment in Ellery Adams' "Secret, Book and Scone Society" series and it was as fun as the first one, The Secret, Book and Scone Society. I have also posted about a couple of her "Book Retreat Mysteries" (Murder in the Mystery Suite and Murder in the Secret Garden). Of course one of the main reasons I love these books is that protagonist Nora Pennington, who owns the Miracle Books store in her small town of Miracle Springs, believes that books can heal--that is, she practices bibliotherapy. And since this was a passion of mine while I was working, I'm all in.
In this installment, the mysterious young woman found sleeping in Nora's bookstore--sporting a hospital ID band, clothes that clearly don't fit, and various bruises--gets taken on as a project by the Secret, Book and Scone Society's members, eventually going to work in the bakery and sharing Nora's little house. When a bookstore customer is found dead, there is a question about whether or not it was suicide, and as the friends begin to investigate, they find ties between the mysterious young bookstore refugee, who calls herself Abilene, and the victim. What or who is Abilene hiding from? Is she a murderer or the next potential victim of the killer. All turns out well, of course, as it should in any cozy mystery series. Enjoyable light read.

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