Thursday, December 27, 2018

Black Diamond

See the previous post, which is about Bruno, Chief of Police, the first in Martin Walker's Bruno series. This is the 3rd book in the series and some day, I will have to go back and read the 2nd, The Dark Vineyard. Bruno, who is honorifically titled Chief of Police for the French village of St. Denis, even though he is the only policeman in the village, is doing his shopping in the weekly farmers' market when several hoodlums race through on motorcycles and destroy the stall of a local Vietnamese family. Within days, an Asian restaurant in a nearby town is fire bombed. Then Bruno begins to get hints that the local truffle trade--the "black diamonds" that provide a multi-million dollar source of income for the region--is being threatened by substitutions from smuggled and inferior Chinese truffles. When his dear friend and truffle expert is brutally murdered, Bruno up to his ears in mysteries. But, as Bruno learns, his friend was also a former intelligence agent whose work may have made him a target, and there may be more important things being smuggled in from Asia than mushrooms. Once again, painful episodes from France's past, this time its colonial relationship with Vietnam, will surface and spoil the sense of a peaceful pastoral paradise. Bruno would really rather just focus on cooking, drinking wine, hunting truffles with his dog Gigi, playing and coaching rugby, and sorting out his "romances past (Isabelle of the Police Nationale), present (exotically English Pamela), and possibly future (needy single mother and research chemist Florence)."[from Publishers Weekly review]
As always, you'll want to add the Perigord region to your travel itinerary or at least go find the closest French bakery.  Additional reviews from Kirkus, The Independent, and the Washington Independent Review of Books.

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