Sunday, July 15, 2018

Fourth Grave Beneath my Feet

I am pretty sure I read this book some time ago, BUT my memory is so poor and apparently I did not post it on my blog, so I read it again--mainly because I was in the mood for something a bit lighter and fun. And Charley Davidson, the protagonist of this series by Darynda Jones, is forever entertaining. She names all her body parts...her brain, her heart, her boobs... and she is the Grim Reaper in her spare time.
Apparently, between the end of the last book (Third Grave Dead Ahead) and the start of this one, Charley has been captured and tortured by Reyes Farrow's step-father, Earl Walker (for the back story, see also the posts for Second Grave on the Left and First Grave on the Right). She was also arrested and put in jail because of her father, so she has quit speaking to him, moved out of her office over the tavern he runs, and isolated herself in her apartment for a couple of months, interacting only with the call center from the Home Shopping Network. Her apartment is now filled to the ceiling with boxes and she is broke. Time for an intervention from trusty friend Cookie, her psychotherapist sister Gemma, and her Uncle Bob (an Albuquerque PD detective).
When she eventually ventures out of the apartment, she is accosted by a woman who says she is being stalked and is in fear for her life. Skip to the next paragraph if you don't want part of the plot spoiled. Harper is actually already dead but does not know it and Charley doesn't have the heart to tell her, but rather agrees to take on the case and find out who the stalked/ potential killer is.

Meanwhile, Reyes is out of jail and apparently fighting demons that are stalking Charley, whose terrible post-traumatic fears provide a scent they can track. They seek to use her as a portal for evil beings to enter heaven. The relationship between Reyes and Charley is heating up; the question is, is he trying to protect her or kidnap her. As if that isn't enough, Charley is presented with two other cases that are currently stumping the Albuquerque PD, a series of bank robberies by the "Gentlemen Bandits" and several building fires, which to date have harmed no one. She is just sure there is something familiar about the robbers even though they are wearing masks. Charley is helped along by the usual suspects from the world beyond--a protective rottweiler named Artemis; her own PI and Reyes finder, former gang-banger Angel; and Rocket, the boy who knows the names of everyone who has died and maybe those of some who haven't yet. On to Fifth Grave Past the Light!

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