Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Technologists

Fourth historical novel by Matthew Pearl  (all his previous books have been NYT bestsellers) is set in 1868 Boston, the year that the first group of students will graduate from fledgling institute that will become MIT. Many people want to see MIT fail, not least of all the students and faculty of Harvard who view them as upstart imposters, and the trade unionists who fear that the science and technology studied there will cost workers their jobs. Marcus Mansfield, a poor working class student admitted on scholarship, two of his fellow classmates from significantly wealthier family backgrounds, and the sole woman student--who must be educated separate from the men--Ellen Swallow (an actual historic personage), team up when a series of mysterious catastrophes beset Boston shipping and commerce, and appear to be the work of those who will misuse science to their own evil ends. Working in secret, against the specific resolution of the MIT faculty, but with the secret encouragement of MIT's president, it is a race against time before the next disaster strikes. Several reviews from the major library media are here, an old interview with him from The Guardian is here, and a review from the NY Sunday Times is here (not very favorable).

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