Monday, June 1, 2015

Cry Wolf

First of the full-length books in Patricia Briggs' "Alpha and Omega" series deals with Anna's leaving her abusive pack in Chicago and accompanying Charles back to Montana. Charles wants Anna for his mate as does his wolf. And Anna's wolf wants Charles, but Anna herself is not so sure. She feels so distrusting after what she has been through with the Chicago pack and it will take time for her to learn that not all dominant males are out to hurt her. Her unique qualities as an Omega werewolf become apparent fairly quickly when a very old (almost as old as Bran himself) werewolf in Bran's pack, Asil, confronts her at a tense funeral, and Anna not only does not back down, but calms him. Bran has his own motives for wanting her to stay, but right now, he needs to deal with disturbing reports of werewolf attacks on humans in the nearby Cabinet Mountains. Charles has been seriously wounded while settling things in Chicago, but time is of the essence and Bran feels he has no choice but to send his enforcer to find the rogue wolf. When Anna volunteers to accompany Charles, Charles objects but Bran agrees.
Winter is harsh in these mountains but Anna finds herself exhilarated as well as challenged by the  demanding trek. What they find, however, is more than either of them bargained for, and it seems that Asil may actually be the ultimate target of these attacks. The rogue werewolf is Asil's long dead lover, Sarai, who was tortured and murdered by a witch over 2 centuries earlier, and whose spirit has now been enslaved by that same witch, Mariposa. Worse yet, it is quickly revealed that she can use the pack bonds to control not only any individual wolf she comes in contact with, but the entire pack. Anna is not yet a pack member and may be the only chance they have of defeating this evil and ruthless witch.

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