Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Wandering Fire: The Fionavar Tapestry: Book Two

So much happens that I won't even try to summarize this second installment in the The Fionavar Tapestry Trilogy by Guy Gavriel Kay (see also the blog for Book One). Let me just say I am well and truly hooked and having a hard time tearing myself out of this book to go do the mundane tasks of life--like fix dinner!
When Book One closes, Kim has used her power to pull all five of them out of Fionavar and back to present day Canada, primarily to save Jennifer, who was being raped and tortured by Rakoth Maugrim and his minion,  Blöd , one of the dwarves who betrayed Fionavar and freed Rakoth from under the mountain. Seven months later, Jennifer is carrying Rakoth's child in defiance of his last order, which was that she not be allowed to live; she believes he knew of the child and that it would be a threat to him. Kim is awaiting the Seer's dream that will take them back to Fionavar and the war between Rakoth and the rest of Fionavar. Finally it comes and she recalls The Warrior, King Arthur, from the grave. Paul and Jennifer have already returned to Fionavar because Galadan has crossed over and is hunting them. The passage brings on Jennifer's labor and the baby, Darien, is born and given up to a woman in the village whose son, Finn, has been called to the Longest Road.
Fionavar has been paralyzed and is beginning to starve under the weight of a bitter and unnatural winter, even though it is approaching Midsummer. Loren has made it his task to find out how the winter is being created, but Kevin, the member of the original group who has felt most useless in all the events up to now, beats him to the punch but pays the highest price of all. Loren, Matt, Paul and Diarmuid set out across the sea to find the treacherous former First Mage and stop his machinations. In the final battle between the two mages, Magren is killed but Loren and Matt's bond is irretrievably broken, leaving Fionavar with only a single Mage. With winter gone, Rakoth looses his dark armies and victory is barely snatched from defeat by the release of The Wild Hunt, a group of ghostly dead Kings led by Finn.

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